hasRenderedAtLeastOnce: false (1)

.STATIC NO HYDRATE (in dev mode, this should be -1, in a prerendered build, this should be a fixed number corresponding to the SSG sequence index, NOT 999 which would otherwise indicate that the fragment has incorrectly been hydrated)

prerenderIndex: 4

Router status:

Initial route (static SSR / SSG)

hasRenderedAtLeastOnce: false (2)


[!onRouteChangeWasCalled] (this should ALWAYS display in prerender builds (does show in dev mode))

Router links:

First Slot:

Second Slot:

Router content:

Routed → Home

This text has a yellow-400 background (unique to this paragraph, not shared with any other route or component)


    "str": "<Ful&filled> 1: 111 1<1>1 [Tue, 21 Feb 2023 19:28:09 GMT] SERVER",
    "arr": [

this is a paragraph with a child span element.


        "str": "<Ful&filled> 2: 222 2 a,b [Tue, 21 Feb 2023 19:28:10 GMT] SERVER",
        "n": 999
        "str": "other"

Twind critical/secondary stylesheet tests:

This paragraphs and others located in different routes share the same text-3xl Twind style, but it isn't duplicated in the pre-rendered "secondary" stylesheet, it is hoisted in the "critical" styles.

This text has a yellow-200 background (unique to this paragraph, not shared with any other route or component)

404 Not Found links:


render 1:

    "ROOT": 5,
    "SUB": 4

render 2:


render 3:



render 1:

    "ROOT": 5,
    "SUB": 5

render 2:


render 3:
