
EPUB3-Sliderizer supports a "basic" mode that skips the eye candy stuff (transitions and animations).

click here to reload this slide without the fussy gloss, or simply pass the 'basic' parameter in the address bar ("URL query").

To restore the full-featured view: remove the URL parameters, or click here.

To see how a slide would look (and behave) as a single page within an e-book reader, use the 'epub' parameter. Try now by clicking here.

Note: the 'static' parameter is used internally to create frozen iframes (e.g. slide thumbnails). The 'author' parameter is experimental (see next slide).

NO-MARKDOWN <div class="incremental auto"> <p style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> EPUB3-Sliderizer supports a "basic" mode that skips the eye candy stuff (transitions and animations). <p style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> &#8658; <a href="javascript:Epub3Sliderizer.reloadSlide('basic');">click here</a> to reload this slide without the fussy gloss, or simply pass the '<span class="code pale-green">basic</span>' parameter in the address bar ("URL query"). <br>e.g. <span class="code pale-blue"></span> <p style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> To restore the full-featured view: remove the URL parameters, or <a href="javascript:Epub3Sliderizer.reloadSlide('');">click here</a>. <p style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> To see how a slide would look (and behave) as a single page within an e-book reader, use the '<span class="code pale-green">epub</span>' parameter. Try now by <a href="javascript:Epub3Sliderizer.reloadSlide('epub');">clicking here</a>. <p style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> <span class="fade" style="font-size: 0.8em;"> <em>Note:</em> the '<span class="code pale-red">static</span>' parameter is used internally to create frozen iframes (e.g. slide thumbnails). The '<span class="code pale-red">author</span>' parameter is experimental (see next slide). </span> </div>