Styling, templates

  • The default CSS rules can be overridden on a per-slide basis, or for the entire slideshow.
  • The CSS can be authored in data.txt (the master file), or in external files.css.
  • The XHTML structure can be customised using {{Mustache}} templates.
NO-MARKDOWN <ul id="yo" class="incremental auto"> <li>The default CSS rules can be overridden on a <strong>per-slide</strong> basis, or for the <strong>entire slideshow</strong>. <li>The CSS can be authored in <code>data.txt</code> (the master file), or in external <code>files.css</code>. <li>The <strong>XHTML</strong> structure can be customised using <code><a href="">{{Mustache}}</a></code> templates.